"More Kids Suck On FAGS 
Than Any Other Cigarette!"

FAGS candy cigarettes, are a white, musk-flavoured lolly with a pink tip, sold in a pack that resembles a cigarette pack. *Price per packet.

Tobe Acco, the founder of Riviera confectionery, invented FAGS to help slow the rapid rise of smoking among children aged 2-12. It's estimated that 2.5 million children under 12 smoke daily worldwide. 

Is your toddler trying to kick the habit? Try FAGS candy cigarettes!

In 1945, Tobe founded the first FAGS Conversion Centre, a place where they rehabilitate kids by "converting" them from nicotine addicts to sugar fiends.

Since 1945, The FAGS Conversion Centre has proudly helped over 650,000 children worldwide switch from nicotine to sugar. As Tobe would say, "A few missing teeth at high school is better than cancer" 

More FAGS More Fun! 

A box containing 48 packets of our famous candy cigarettes. Now your kids can suck on FAGS all day long. The perfect gift for orally-fixated children.

Nothing says "I'M A CHAD" 
like a FAGS shirt!

Are you a straight male who often gets mistaken for being gay? Put a stop to it with this ultimate statement of masculinity. 

"Pure Alpha"

Forget that lambo. Nothing turns heads faster than these limited-edition earrings. Get them now before the supply shock.

Emergency "Tanty-Tamers"

Going cold-turkey can be difficult. A toddler who hasn't lit up in days can display signs of extreme aggression and have violent mood swings. We recommend Camel cigarettes in these situations. It's surprisingly smooth taste will put your child's FOMO at ease and let you get back to sleep.

A Real Success Story

Two-year-old Indonesian boy Ardi Rizal shocked the world when a video of him drawing heavily on cigarettes appeared on the internet. 

Six months after his father gave him his first cigarette, the overweight boy was smoking two packs a day and threw violent tantrums if his addiction was not satisfied.

He received candy therapy for one month at the FAGS Conversion Centre in Jakarta. They successfully diverted his addiction from cigarettes to sugar and has now been tobacco free for 5 years.

After reading about Ardi's success, actor Matt Damon is currently undergoing a 12-week program at the FAGS Conversion Centre in Los Angeles with the hope of giving up cigarettes for good. We wish you all the best Matty, maybe we'll see you at the Cannes film festival?

Get in touch:

FAGS Conversion Centre

6331 Hollywood Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90028 USA


DISCLAIMER: $FAGS is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return.